IFS Healing Corps: A New Approach to Addressing Veteran Trauma



The Warriorsā€™ Retreat helps veterans begin the journey toward healing and well-being through an IFS, nature-based, trauma-informed therapeutic experience. Participants connect with those who have similar backgrounds, and let go of burdens they have been carrying from the trauma of military service. In an environment that feels familiar and safe.

This concept was designed and implemented by Beau Laviolette, US Marine veteran, LCSW and Ray Mount, US Army veteran, PhD, co-founders of the Healing Corp. This experience incorporates individual and group therapy, along with a 2.5-day nature retreat. We have found that veterans work better when surrounded by other veterans working toward the same goal, in a setting that encourages connection and support.

Invitation to Sponsor Veterans

The Foundation for Self Leadership, a global, US-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit in its tenth year of operation, is inviting financial support for this program from among those who share our focus and commitment to facilitating deeper healing among military veterans


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